The educational psychology lab is an excellent and well equipped one. It has more than 100 standardized psychological tests, apparatus and manuals. The lab has various psychological tests comprising intelligence, personality, interest, aptitude, motivation, creativity, attitude etc. They help to give a hands-on experience to the B.Ed. and M.Ed. students.
- 1. 16 P.F. Questionnaire Form A,B,C,D and E (any one form) E. R.B. Cattell
- 2. 16 P.F. Questionnaire form A,B,C,D, and E.H. S.D.Kapoor
- 3. 16 PF Personality Factor Questionnaire English
- 4. Achievement Motivation Test H/E Prayag Mehta
- 5. Ahluwalia Comprehensive-Modernization
- 6. Attitude Scale of Religion H. Tandon & Tandon
- 7. Attitude Scale Towards Family Planning H. M.A. Hakim & Y. Singh
- 8. Attitude Scale Towards Small Family and Population Education (ASSEPE) H/E S. Sodhi & G.D. Sharma
- 9. Bhargava Career Performance Record
- 10. Bhatia Battery of performance Intelligence Test. H/E
- 11. Bhatia Battery Performance Test
- 12. Bhatia Short Battery Performance
- 13. Bist Battery of Stress Scale
- 14. Case study form H. L.N. Dubey
- 15. Children Personality Questionnaire (C.P.Q.) (BVCJ) forms A or B Hindi Kapoor & Rao
- 16. Coloured Progressive Matrices(CPM) E. J.C. Raven
- 17. Divergent Production Abilities (DPA) H. K.N. Sharma
- 18. Draw-a-Man Test for Indian Children H/E(1987 Ed.) Pramila Pathak
- 19. Educational & Psychological Charts
- 20. Educational Aspiration Scale (EAS) Form P.H. V.P. Sharma & A. Gupta
- 21. Educational Aspiration Scale (EAS) Form V.H. V.P. Sharma & A. Gupta
- 22. Educational Interest Record (EIR) H. S.P. Kulshrestha
- 23. Educational Technology
- 24. Emotional Maturity Scale(EMS) H/E Y. Singh & M. Bhargava
- 25. Emotional Stability Test for Children H. A. Sengupta & A.K. Singh
- 26. Eysenck‘s Maudsley Personality Inventory (MPI) H/E Jalota & Kapoor
- 27. Eysenck’s Mandsley Personality
- 28. Gakhar: Achievement Test In Biology
- 29. General Classroom Achievement Test H. A.K. Singh & A. Sen Gupta
- 30. General Mental Ability Test for Children 7 to 11 years (GMATC) H.R.P. Srivastva & Kiran Saxena
- 31. Group Test of General Mental Ability 1972.(JGTMA) H.S. Jalota
- 32. Group Test of Intelligence (GGTI) E. G.C. Ahuja
- 33. Group Test of Intelligence (PGT) E. Pramila Ahuja
- 34. Group Test of Intelligence 1/61 H. R.K. Tandon
- 35. Group Test of Intelligence 2/70 E. R.K. Tandon
- 36. Group Test of Intelligence(EGMAT) E.S. Jalota
- 37. Home Environment Inventory – H K.S. Misra
- 38. Indian Adaptation of Weschler‘s Adult Intelligence Scale P. Ramalinguaswamy
- 39. Ink Blot Test E. H. Rorschach
- 40. Interest Record H/E R.P. Singh
- 41. Introversion Extraversion
- 42. Introversion Extroversion Test H. R.N. Kundu
- 43. Jha Cognitive Style Inventary
- 44. Job Satisfaction Scale (JSS) H/E Amar Singh & T.R. Sharma
- 45. Jr. & Sr. High School Personality Questionnaire (H.S.P.Q.) Form A or B.E. 12 to 18 years E.
- 46. Kulshrestha Educational Interest Record
- 47. Language Creativity Test(LCT) H/ES.P. Malhotra and Sucheta Kumari
- 48. Leadership Preference Scale (LP Scale) H. L.I. Bhusan
- 49. Learning Disability
- 50. Level of Aspiration Test H. P.P. Srivastva
- 51. Malhotra Mixed Type Group Test
- 52. Measure of Level of Aspiration (Performance type) Revised 1987, H/E M.A. Shah and Mahesh Bhargava
- 53. Mental Health CheckList (MHC) Pramod Kumar
- 54. Mental Health Inventory A. Mohebali
- 55. Mohite Home Environment Inventory (MHEI) (Child‘s Observation Technique) Prerna Mohite
- 56. Motivational Analysis Test (MAT) E. Sweney and Cattell
- 57. Multi Factor Interest Questionnaire H/E Kapoor & Singh
- 58. Multifactor Interest Question
- 59. Non Verbal Test Creative Thinking (MBHDI)
- 60. Non-verbal Test of Creative Thinking H/E Baqer Mehdi
- 61. Occupational Stress Scale HindiA.K . Srivastva
- 62. Occupational stress Srivastva & A.P. Seth
- 63. Parental Encouragement Scale (PES) H. R.R. Sharma
- 64. Passi Lalita GTCS
- 65. Passi Test of Creativity (PTC) H/E B.K. Passi
- 66. Personal Stress Source Inventory
- 67. Personality Inventory (PI) H. Y. Singh & H.M. Singh
- 68. Photograph of Bhinent Psychologist
- 69. Prithibha Achievement Motivation Scale
- 70. Problem Solving Ability Test(PSAT) H.L.N. Dubey
- 71. Raven's Progressive Matrices and Vocabulary Scales J Raven et al, 1998
- 72. Reading Ability Test H. Prabhajot
- 73. Reading Comprehension Test (RCT) E. P. Ahuja and G.C. Ahuja
- 74. Reasoning Ability Test (Rat) H. L.N. Dubey
- 75. Reasoning Ability Test (Rat) H.K. Bayati
- 76. Revised Minnesota Paper form Board. H.Likert & Quasha
- 77. Role conflict scale (RCS) Hindi A.K. Pandey
- 78. Sangupta Emotional Stability Test
- 79. School Environment Inventory (SEI) H. K.S. Misra
- 80. Science Interest Test (SIT) H. L.N. Dubey and Archna Dubey
- 81. Scientific Aptitude Test Battery (SATB) H. K.K. Aggarwal
- 82. Scientific Aptitude Test for College students. H. A.K.P. Sinha & L.N.K.Sinha
- 83. Self-Concept List(SCL) Rating Scale H/E Pratibha Deo
- 84. Sentence completion test(SCT) H. L.N. Dubey & Archna Dubey
- 85. Sentence completion test(SCT) H. Nigam & Srivastva
- 86. Singh Emotional Stability Test
- 87. Singh Mental Health Battery
- 88. Singh-General Class-Room Achievement Test
- 89. Sinha Comprehensive Anxiety Test
- 90. Social Maturity Scale (SMS) H. R.P. Srivastva
- 91. Socio-economic Status Scale H. R.M. Verma
- 92. Socio-economic Status Schedual E.T.S. Sodhi & G.D. Sharma
- 93. Spiritual Intelligence Test
- 94. Srivastva Saxena General Mental Ability Test
- 95. Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) E. J.C. Raven
- 96. Study Habit and reading interest Inventory H. Jai Prakash
- 97. Study Habit Inventory (PSSHI) H/E M.N. Palsane & S. Sharma
- 98. Study Habit Inventory (SHI) H/E M. Mukhopadhya & d.N. Sansanwal
- 99. Study Involvement Inventory (SII) H/E Asha Bhatnagar
- 100. Teacher effectiveness scale (TES) Revised 1983 H. P. Kumar & D.N. Mutha
- 101. Teacher Rating Scale (TRS) E.R.C. Deva
- 102. Teachers attitude scale (TAS) E. J.C. Goyal
- 103. Teachers Job Satisfaction Scale (JSS) H. Revised 1983 P. Kumar & D.N. Mutha
- 104. Teaching Aptitude Test Battery (TATB) H. R.P.Singh and S.N. Sharma
- 105. Teaching Aptitude Test(TAT) H. Jai Prakash and R.P. Srivastva
- 106. Test of Study Habits & Attitudes (TSHA) H. C.P.G. Mathur
- 107. Thematic Apperception Test E. H. Murray
- 108. Tripathi Personal Preference Schedule (TPPS) H. R.R. Tripathi
- 109. Value Test (VT) H. R.K. Ojha
- 110. Value Test (VT) H. S.N. Upadhyaya
- 111. Verbal Intelligence Test (VIT) H.R.K. Ojha & Raychoudhary
- 112. Verbal Test Objective Thinking (MBHD)
- 113. Verbal test of Creative Thinking H/E Baqer Mehdi
- 114. Verbal Test of Scientific Creativity (VTSC) H. V.P. Sharma and J.P. Shukla
- 115. Attitude Scale Towards Family Planning
- 116. Spiritual Intelligence Test-SIT-ZA