Psychology resource centre

The educational psychology lab is an excellent and well equipped one. It has more than 100 standardized psychological tests, apparatus and manuals. The lab has various psychological tests comprising intelligence, personality, interest, aptitude, motivation, creativity, attitude etc. They help to give a hands-on experience to the B.Ed. and M.Ed. students.



  1. 1.                            16 P.F. Questionnaire Form A,B,C,D and E (any one form) E. R.B. Cattell
  2. 2.                            16 P.F. Questionnaire form A,B,C,D, and E.H. S.D.Kapoor
  3. 3.                            16 PF Personality Factor Questionnaire English
  4. 4.                            Achievement Motivation Test H/E Prayag Mehta
  5. 5.                            Ahluwalia Comprehensive-Modernization
  6. 6.                            Attitude Scale of Religion H. Tandon & Tandon
  7. 7.                            Attitude Scale Towards Family Planning H. M.A. Hakim & Y. Singh
  8. 8.                            Attitude Scale Towards Small Family and Population Education (ASSEPE) H/E S. Sodhi & G.D. Sharma
  9. 9.                            Bhargava Career Performance Record
  10. 10.                        Bhatia Battery of performance Intelligence Test. H/E
  11. 11.                        Bhatia Battery Performance Test
  12. 12.                        Bhatia Short Battery Performance
  13. 13.                        Bist Battery of Stress Scale
  14. 14.                        Case study form H. L.N. Dubey
  15. 15.                        Children Personality Questionnaire (C.P.Q.) (BVCJ) forms A or B Hindi Kapoor & Rao
  16. 16.                        Coloured Progressive Matrices(CPM) E. J.C. Raven
  17. 17.                        Divergent Production Abilities (DPA) H. K.N. Sharma
  18. 18.                        Draw-a-Man Test for Indian Children H/E(1987 Ed.) Pramila Pathak
  19. 19.                        Educational & Psychological Charts
  20. 20.                        Educational Aspiration Scale (EAS) Form P.H. V.P. Sharma & A. Gupta
  21. 21.                        Educational Aspiration Scale (EAS) Form V.H. V.P. Sharma & A. Gupta
  22. 22.                        Educational Interest Record (EIR) H. S.P. Kulshrestha
  23. 23.                        Educational Technology
  24. 24.                        Emotional Maturity Scale(EMS) H/E Y. Singh & M. Bhargava
  25. 25.                        Emotional Stability Test for Children H. A. Sengupta & A.K. Singh
  26. 26.                        Eysenck‘s Maudsley Personality Inventory (MPI) H/E Jalota & Kapoor
  27. 27.                        Eysenck’s Mandsley Personality
  28. 28.                        Gakhar: Achievement Test In Biology
  29. 29.                        General Classroom Achievement Test H. A.K. Singh & A. Sen Gupta
  30. 30.                        General Mental Ability Test for Children 7 to 11 years (GMATC) H.R.P. Srivastva & Kiran Saxena
  31. 31.                        Group Test of General Mental Ability 1972.(JGTMA) H.S. Jalota
  32. 32.                        Group Test of Intelligence (GGTI) E. G.C. Ahuja
  33. 33.                        Group Test of Intelligence (PGT) E. Pramila Ahuja
  34. 34.                        Group Test of Intelligence 1/61 H. R.K. Tandon
  35. 35.                        Group Test of Intelligence 2/70 E. R.K. Tandon
  36. 36.                        Group Test of Intelligence(EGMAT) E.S. Jalota
  37. 37.                        Home Environment Inventory – H K.S. Misra
  38. 38.                        Indian Adaptation of Weschler‘s Adult Intelligence Scale P. Ramalinguaswamy
  39. 39.                        Ink Blot Test E. H. Rorschach
  40. 40.                        Interest Record H/E R.P. Singh
  41. 41.                        Introversion Extraversion
  42. 42.                        Introversion Extroversion Test H. R.N. Kundu
  43. 43.                        Jha Cognitive Style Inventary
  44. 44.                        Job Satisfaction Scale (JSS) H/E Amar Singh & T.R. Sharma
  45. 45.                        Jr. & Sr. High School Personality Questionnaire (H.S.P.Q.) Form A or B.E. 12 to 18 years E.
  46. 46.                        Kulshrestha Educational Interest Record
  47. 47.                        Language Creativity Test(LCT) H/ES.P. Malhotra and Sucheta Kumari
  48. 48.                        Leadership Preference Scale (LP Scale) H. L.I. Bhusan
  49. 49.                        Learning Disability
  50. 50.                        Level of Aspiration Test H. P.P. Srivastva
  51. 51.                        Malhotra Mixed Type Group Test
  52. 52.                        Measure of Level of Aspiration (Performance type) Revised 1987, H/E M.A. Shah and Mahesh Bhargava
  53. 53.                        Mental Health CheckList (MHC) Pramod Kumar
  54. 54.                        Mental Health Inventory A. Mohebali
  55. 55.                        Mohite Home Environment Inventory (MHEI) (Child‘s Observation Technique) Prerna Mohite
  56. 56.                        Motivational Analysis Test (MAT) E. Sweney and Cattell
  57. 57.                        Multi Factor Interest Questionnaire H/E Kapoor & Singh
  58. 58.                        Multifactor Interest Question
  59. 59.                        Non Verbal Test Creative Thinking (MBHDI)
  60. 60.                        Non-verbal Test of Creative Thinking H/E Baqer Mehdi
  61. 61.                        Occupational Stress Scale HindiA.K . Srivastva
  62. 62.                        Occupational stress Srivastva & A.P. Seth
  63. 63.                        Parental Encouragement Scale (PES) H. R.R. Sharma
  64. 64.                        Passi Lalita GTCS
  65. 65.                        Passi Test of Creativity (PTC) H/E B.K. Passi
  66. 66.                        Personal Stress Source Inventory
  67. 67.                        Personality Inventory (PI) H. Y. Singh & H.M. Singh
  68. 68.                        Photograph of Bhinent Psychologist
  69. 69.                        Prithibha Achievement Motivation Scale
  70. 70.                        Problem Solving Ability Test(PSAT) H.L.N. Dubey
  71. 71.                        Raven's Progressive Matrices and Vocabulary Scales J  Raven et al, 1998
  72. 72.                        Reading Ability Test H. Prabhajot
  73. 73.                        Reading Comprehension Test (RCT) E. P. Ahuja and G.C. Ahuja
  74. 74.                        Reasoning Ability Test (Rat) H. L.N. Dubey
  75. 75.                        Reasoning Ability Test (Rat) H.K. Bayati
  76. 76.                        Revised Minnesota Paper form Board. H.Likert & Quasha
  77. 77.                        Role conflict scale (RCS) Hindi A.K. Pandey
  78. 78.                        Sangupta Emotional Stability Test
  79. 79.                        School Environment Inventory (SEI) H. K.S. Misra
  80. 80.                        Science Interest Test (SIT) H. L.N. Dubey and Archna Dubey
  81. 81.                        Scientific Aptitude Test Battery (SATB) H. K.K. Aggarwal
  82. 82.                        Scientific Aptitude Test for College students. H. A.K.P. Sinha & L.N.K.Sinha
  83. 83.                        Self-Concept List(SCL) Rating Scale H/E       Pratibha Deo
  84. 84.                        Sentence completion test(SCT) H. L.N. Dubey & Archna Dubey
  85. 85.                        Sentence completion test(SCT) H. Nigam & Srivastva
  86. 86.                        Singh Emotional Stability Test
  87. 87.                        Singh Mental Health Battery
  88. 88.                        Singh-General Class-Room Achievement Test
  89. 89.                        Sinha Comprehensive Anxiety Test
  90. 90.                        Social Maturity Scale (SMS) H. R.P. Srivastva
  91. 91.                        Socio-economic Status Scale H. R.M. Verma
  92. 92.                        Socio-economic Status Schedual E.T.S. Sodhi & G.D. Sharma
  93. 93.                        Spiritual Intelligence Test
  94. 94.                        Srivastva Saxena General Mental Ability Test
  95. 95.                        Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) E. J.C. Raven
  96. 96.                        Study Habit and reading interest Inventory H. Jai Prakash
  97. 97.                        Study Habit Inventory (PSSHI) H/E M.N. Palsane & S. Sharma
  98. 98.                        Study Habit Inventory (SHI) H/E M. Mukhopadhya & d.N. Sansanwal
  99. 99.                        Study Involvement Inventory (SII) H/E Asha Bhatnagar
  100. 100.                    Teacher effectiveness scale (TES) Revised 1983 H. P. Kumar & D.N. Mutha
  101. 101.                    Teacher Rating Scale (TRS) E.R.C. Deva
  102. 102.                    Teachers attitude scale (TAS) E. J.C. Goyal
  103. 103.                    Teachers Job Satisfaction Scale (JSS) H. Revised 1983 P. Kumar & D.N. Mutha
  104. 104.                    Teaching Aptitude Test Battery (TATB) H. R.P.Singh and S.N. Sharma
  105. 105.                    Teaching Aptitude Test(TAT) H. Jai Prakash and R.P. Srivastva
  106. 106.                    Test of Study Habits & Attitudes (TSHA) H. C.P.G. Mathur
  107. 107.                    Thematic Apperception Test E.            H. Murray
  108. 108.                    Tripathi Personal Preference Schedule (TPPS) H. R.R. Tripathi
  109. 109.                    Value Test (VT) H. R.K. Ojha
  110. 110.                    Value Test (VT) H. S.N. Upadhyaya
  111. 111.                    Verbal Intelligence Test (VIT) H.R.K. Ojha & Raychoudhary
  112. 112.                    Verbal Test Objective Thinking (MBHD)
  113. 113.                    Verbal test of Creative Thinking H/E Baqer Mehdi
  114. 114.                    Verbal Test of Scientific Creativity (VTSC) H. V.P. Sharma and J.P. Shukla
  115. 115.                    Attitude Scale Towards Family Planning
  116. 116.                    Spiritual Intelligence Test-SIT-ZA

